Expand to the global market with ease with our from +1k accredited recruiters and +100k students.
We increase your program awareness through our Student and Recruiters network
Only pay commission for Enrolled Students at a price you set yourself. We cost nothing until we provide value.
We help market your Institute programs online and locally through our host of recruiters worldwide.
Fast support for you and your students. We ensure a seamless process for your institute.
With our deep evaluation and training, we only onboard accredited recuiters
We take data privacy very seriously. We minimize access to all data. We don't share unless it is needed.
Expanding globally is appealing however it is not cost or resource effective for most institutes. At Univacity we collaborate with leading Recruiting Agencies worldwide to give your institute a local audience to guild your student journey.
Easily process admission for multiple students to over 1,000 institutes all over the world. We make it easy to apply to multiple programs for each of your students.!\
We facilitate payment for the Application, Acceptance, and Tuition fees for students.
With our in app wallet you have near instant access to payment, and can easily withdraw.