The knowledge of the 1st year of the common core of the IMM Master is supplemented by the necessary technical knowledge in the field of instrumentation of test resources and nuclear instrumentation: Operating principle of sensors, Industrial sensors, Industrial electricity, Valves, Process computing, Instrumentation computing, Industrial automation, Local networks, Test resource measurement technique, Test resource engineering, Nuclear detection and instrumentation, Management of people and services, English.
Technical skills focus on the ability to implement the above knowledge in an industrial context. Particularly in the field of nuclear instrumentation, a graduate of the Instrumentation of Test Means (IME) course, having followed the nuclear option, must be able to list the main detectors with their physical principles and associate them with the needs and process and analyze the measurement results.
The future graduate of the IME course is expected to carry out activities in the field of multi-technological specialties in design and production.
He designs instrumentation solutions and associated systems (technical and organizational solutions, technical and technological developments).
He provides project management, testing or technical assistance.
He carries out research and development in instrumentation or academic or applied research.
The IME course of the IMM Master is accessible via four access routes, namely:
initial training,
continuing education,
by apprenticeship or professionalization contract,
by VAE (Validation of Acquired Experience)
The IME course offers 2 options:
nuclear, differentiated by 1 optional UE. The second option constitutes the open face-to-face course and the first makes it possible to meet a need in terms of more generic skills for the Validation of Acquired Experience (for professionals in the aeronautical, maritime, automotive sectors, etc.).
All activities are based on the common foundation of the following proven skills and knowledge:
Know the physical and physicochemical phenomena to be measured in a harsh environment and the associated instrumentation
Working in a team and leading a group
Analyze and synthesize scientific and technical information
Communicate internally and externally
Master English at European B2 level
Implementing test and trial systems in extreme environments
Master the instrumentation, the different measurement methods and the detection techniques associated with the nuclear field.
Mastering the methods of industrial and legal metrology
Know the standards and constraints of the industrial sectors concerned.
Write and present a project orally