In the field of visual expression, the focus is on graphic
design and visual communication (you cannot apply for visual arts studies
through the joint application). A graphic designer designs and implements
layouts for various media, both print and online publications. His designs
can include, for example, posters, announcements, packaging, illustrations,
websites and company appearances. He has good media skills and knows how
to combine different materials, such as text, photos, drawings and video.
The work uses a lot of computers, drawing tables and various software, and we
work in a customer-oriented manner.
During your studies, you will become familiar with:
- typography and the most common software in the field
- graphic communication production processes from design to finished product
- implementation of websites and stores
- publishing and company graphics as well as packaging and information graphics
- illustration for different purposes
- basics of media skills.
The studies can include optional parts of the degree in e.g. visual arts,
photography or media production.
Functional basic language skills
Basic education syllabus or similar information
The professional basic degree consists of 180 competence points. Vocational basic degrees have vocational degree parts (145 credits) and joint degree parts (35 credits). The common degree components are: communication and interaction skills, mathematical and natural science skills, and social and working life skills.
The undergraduate degree in media and visual expression includes four areas of expertise:
- area of expertise in audiovisual communication
- publication production expertise
- expertise in print communication
- the skill area of pictorial expression.
The degree titles are Media Services Implementer and Visual Expression Implementer.